Thursday, August 18, 2011

My gf broke up with me almost a week ago is there any possibility of reconciliation?

Some people (guys or girls) when they have a really strong friendship with someone, they are afraid to go into a serious reltionship with them becuase they want to be with the friend forever and they are afraid if they break up they will lose everything that had made over the years of thier friendship. She probally was afraid of losing you over a bad break up so she ended it and is trying to stay friends in order to be friends with you forever since she probally had a fear of being best friends, then going into a relationship, then breaking up and not allowing things to ever be the same between you again. I think maybe you should try and hang out like old times and be friends for a month or so and show her that you can be friends with her like that but you can also be something so much more and prove to her that you'll always be there for her as a friend or as a boyfriend.

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