Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Help Please!!!?

Everyone knows that a farm is a place where food is grown. We have all seen pictures of fields of grain and of cows grazing in a pasture. But have you ever heard of a farm on the bottom of the ocean? There are such farms. These farms raise oysters, a popular food in the United States. An oyster is a small sea animal that lives in a shell. Its meat is delicious. Many years ago there were a great many oysters. Then factories began emptying waste materials into the ocean and many oysters died. People also started eating more oysters. The government studied the problem and put controls on factories. It also helped people begin "oyster farms," where millions of oysters are now grown every year. 1. The best title is A. Good-bye, Oysters B. Fields of Grain C. Oyster Farms D. Animal in a shell 2. Oyster farms are found in the A. fields B. ocean C. factories D. country 3. Oyster farms were helped by the A. government B. factories C. fish D. waste materials 4. You can tell that most farms are A. in factories B. in other countries C. on the land D. on the ocean floor

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