Monday, August 8, 2011

Law minister Mr.Moily has found a new scape goat in Mr.P.C.Alexander ? and also former Chief Justice of India.?

A law minister is forced to tell lie in congress party.Everybody knows that without the instructions of Mr.Rajiv Gandhi, the then Prime Minister, the union carbide chief Mr.Warren Anderson could not have crossed outside India.That is as far as the fact to remain as it is.But in 2010 the wonderful law minister he says that Mr.Alexander was responsible, shows, that moily is not talking.Hereafter our print and visual media whenever they ask questions to congress leaders, they should first ask whether their reply should be considered as Govt.thinking or their own.If they say it is their own, better stop taking the details from such politicians and do not publish the same.See how moily said, he says, the differences of opinion between congress leaders statement,is their personal views and not of the Govt.Why Mr.moily is talking like a school boy.When he says that all other congress leaders talking or giving statement to the press/media is their personal views, why he did not clarify that this statement of his is a Govt.supported or his own views.One glaring mistake i find in moily's statement is he says "whomsoever is at fault should face the consequences and quickly".Funny, in n tit, after 25 years nothing has happened, no proper compensation has been paid to thousands of victimised families, he talks about punishing those who are guilty.uming Mr.Anderson is brought back to india what is that our Govt.will pluck from him.We are not talking about punishment to any one, Dear Moily, we are talking about compensation to meet the justice in one way or the other.By hanging (only umption ) Anderson, what is that you can achieve.Even US is also playing its card, saying if the govt of india sends one more request, they may consider deporting Anderson, this is because there is a pending Mr.Obama's visit to india in Oct/Nov of this year.They will drag this issue till that time, nothing will happen and once Mr.obama's visit is over everything will be forgotten.Both American Govt and Indian Govt will sleep on this ;issue....comment.

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