Thursday, August 18, 2011

Felling like on my period spotting red, orange and pink 2 weeks before my period and only lasted a day?

before this happened i felt nausea, dizzy, felt like i was going to p out. my husband and i were trying to have a baby.well he has been vomiting out of no were at the same time i felt nausea. also i'm very sleepy. my dog has been very close to me lately.can i be pregnant

Anyone else have midterms this week?

Yes. we have 2 semesters, so my finals were this week, but we also had a mid-term for a cl we had all year. aced it!

What foods contribute to acne/pimples?

Specifically, is it oily junk foods, refined foods like white bread etc..?? My skin is getting bad so i am seeing if my diet is the reason as I have been eating alot of crap lately

I need some major make up help?

My skin is oily but dry and I have mildly acne prone skin. I recently bought a physicians formula trio highlighter bronzer face powder in sunkissed. The label said natural and free of GMOs and parabeans and some other chemicals but it also had some chemicals I was not sure about. I really need one brand where I can get everything I need that is all organic and inexpensive or reasonably priced. one of the chemicals was tel and is it safe or not because then I checked out some of their mineral wear and it said tel free. It's like...but I thought ALL your make up was organic and safe to use. Also what's the difference between bronzer, losse powder, blush, liquid foundation, powder foundation, cover up, concealed, and all that stuff? Thanks and Srry it's so long.

My gf broke up with me almost a week ago is there any possibility of reconciliation?

Some people (guys or girls) when they have a really strong friendship with someone, they are afraid to go into a serious reltionship with them becuase they want to be with the friend forever and they are afraid if they break up they will lose everything that had made over the years of thier friendship. She probally was afraid of losing you over a bad break up so she ended it and is trying to stay friends in order to be friends with you forever since she probally had a fear of being best friends, then going into a relationship, then breaking up and not allowing things to ever be the same between you again. I think maybe you should try and hang out like old times and be friends for a month or so and show her that you can be friends with her like that but you can also be something so much more and prove to her that you'll always be there for her as a friend or as a boyfriend.

Adam Lambert- No Boundaries.. Im confused....!!?

apparently he released his version too. it says on wikipedia he released his version with kris allen's version. random, i thought he wouldn't have to embarr himself by singing this song.

Dark Brown CM @ 11dpo - chance it will end up being my period vs. preggo?

I've posted other questions on here and I'm TTC (8th month) and I have brown CM when I wipe (and a bit in the liner yesterday) and I'm at 11dpo (luteal phase is 14 days). What is the chance it's AF on her way vs. preggo? I don't want to test yet b/c it's too early and I'm getting really frustrated of getting AF month after month.. I'm honestly losing hope I'll ever get pregnant :( My hubbie and I have been tested and everything is a-okay and we know when I ovulate, etc. etc. and we're doing everything right and even when I think I may get my BFP I get AF instead... any input?

Subscribtion on Sirius Online Radio (Canada)?

Hello, I was wondering How you can subscribe for the online radio, I am on the 7 days trial but I don't see any place to actually subscribe. I see the ''subscribtion on'' on Sirius US site but can you Subscribe for the internet radio on Sirius Canada? Thanks --- Kim


L.A. Noire as its looks fantastic and its Rockstar so you can't go wrong! And i think Portal 2 as the first was lots of fun!

I am going to be travelling to Colombia, and wanted to know if anyone has been, and if it is safe?

I live in Mexico, and am an American. So I speak fluent Spanish and have a business here in Mexico. I have heard that 2 of the fastest growing economies in the world are South Korea and Colombia. I am thinking of opening a store in Colombia with a new partner. He has a home in Colombia and came up with the idea as an investor after seeing my store here. I own a leather company and he wants to fly me to Colombia to show me all the great cities and work out a business proposition to open another store there. I am a little nervous about going and wanted to know what peoples experiences and thought are. I live in Mexico, so I know all about living in a place that is known to be dangerous, but normally is not. And I wonder if Colombia is the same. Any thoughts or ideas?

How do i go abut getting bonded so i can find employment. i have teo felonies on my record.?


Burning when peeing!?

Have you been checked for Interstitial Cystitis? It's a disease that causes inflammation of the bladder yet no infection exists. Have you seen a Urologist? Those are 2 things I would look into.

Any good dentists in Thailand (preferably Bangkok)?

There are many very good dentists in Thailand. I live in Pattaya and have only good experiences. The prices are fairly inexpensive as well.

Cheat like a coward or work up the courage to change your life and be happy?

I understand that divorce is hard financially and emotionally. Plus, its even worse if children are involved. It seems today everyone would rather cheat on their spouse rather that work up the courage to end it and find someone that makes them happy. If you are that unhappy in your marriage and want out then why not end your misery? If you start another relationship while you are married doesn't it become tainted?

I've got a pack of haemaroids flaring up.?

they're tearing my backside off. i've got cream but they won't go away. don't want to go to my doctor because he's probably sick of the sight of me. i think he's got them too.

Fred Claus scene with "brother" cameos?

There's a scene in the movie Fred Claus that has cameos of actual brothers of famous people. Sylvester Stallone's brother, Alec Baldwin's brother, and Bill Clinton's brother. I was just wondering if anybody noticed other brothers in that scene. Maybe Morgan Freeman's brother??

Please help me answer these questions. I cant find answers and its due tomorrow! On Latin America.?

They're all history questions, which might explain why you can't find answers: you're looking for them at the wrong places!

Can i get into a good college or university?

Are your grades mostly A's, B's, or C's ? Do you know your unweighted GPA ? Cles you've taken ? APs / IBs and scores ? How did you do on the PSATs ?

Wearin Baggy Clothes?

Ok, first off I live in a town thats made up of mainly whites (preppy whites, skaters, bikers, and stuff like that). Alot of people say stuff about the way I dress which is baggy pants, and big shirts called "the black look" by other people. Well isnt it ok for a white person to dress this way to if they have heard rap since they day they were born and they are poor. I mean obviously anyone can dress anyway but I'm talkin like doesn't it make sense for a poor white person whos only heard rap since day one to wear these clothes. I mean I'm friends with alot of people who think the same way and act the same way. Just because were white and asian doesnt mean we shouldnt wear these clothes. We may not be from ghettos but I feel as though these clothes represent the struggles off poor people (mainly african americans). Anyone agree?

On 9-11, were you sacred, angry or both?

I was in Paris Tennessee when the Twin Towers were attacked. I remember when we heard New York was under attack we said, Ya right! We didn't believe it. One of the workers went into the break room and came running back out and yelled that it was true, All the machines shut down, we stood there watching the televisions with tears streaming down our faces. Not one word was said. The employees who were veterns said a prayer out loud for the lives that would be changed with this declaration of war. They compared it to the attack of Pearl Harbor. Personally, regardless of who sits in that chair in the White House, we can expect some really difficult times in the next few months. Do not expect someone to win that office and by January 30th, the world is going to be fixed. I pray for all the families going through difficult times. I do so everyday.

My dog has never howled before?

but these past few days he has been howling like a wolf a few times in a row last nite he sat in front of the livin room do lookin out at the hallway then today he is sat on hte stairs doing it,,he normally sleeps in the day but he wont seattle he jus is walkin around like a lost lil soul,,he is always makin this lil sad whine noise,,he has loads of company ,,constant attention gets takin out loads,,n hes 4 now i jus dont no y suddenly since last week he has been acting like this,,its makin me sad coz i dont no wats wrongwith him,,pls someone know,xo

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Do you think Derrick Rose and Kevin Durant will be consistently great throughout their careers? are they?

future Hall of Famers? and when I mean consistently great, I mean as in if will they be high or great scorers throughout their career, for example, Kobe is getting old and he still is a great, dominant player, he has been a consisten scorer throughout his career, for example in the late 90's and early 2000's, the best scorers, who averaged a lot of points per season were Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, Allen Iverson, and Vince Carter, but out of all those 4 players, Kobe has still remained dominant and consistent, Iverson, Carter and McGrady started losing it as they got older, up their in age, but Kobe hasn't lost it yet, he still is a very consistent scorer. So do you see Derrick Rose or Kevin Durant being consistently great throughout their careers? or will they eventually falter like Allen Iverson, Tracy McGrady and Vince Carter?

If Dennis Rodman was in his prime would you want him on your team?

Do you think he'd be a good addition or would he mess up the team chemistry and be too much of a distraction with all of his off court antics?

What does "Pow, right in the kisser" mean?

The phrase is slang for hitting someone in the mouth. However, I'm sure Family Guy was referring to when they used it. Peter's brother-in-law(not his cousin :] ) despised the phrase because it had to do with his mother's ual affairs and how he walked in on his mother during one of them. The man having with the mother said "Pow, right in the kisser!", confirming that they were engaging in the act. THAT'S why your friends were laughing :/ What a waste of such a funny phrase.

A question to Atheists about evidence?

I can think of lots of things that would at least provide some credible objective evidence. Amputees that prayed to a specific god to be healed being so and only those that prayed for such to that particular deity. Jesus descending and rapturing Christians up into the heavens as some of them claim will occur. All the people on the planet suddenly getting consistent and compatible messages about religious dictates the nature of such a being. Stuff like that.

1 step up 100 steps back....need help with my dog?

Just give her time. She'll eventually warm back up and tell the uncle not to do that anymore, or he won't be seeing your dogs again if he does.

Why does my singing voice sound different after having acute bronchitis?

On the 7th, I went to see the doctor and he diagnosed me with acute bronchitis. I had to take medication for ten days straight. I started singing lightly in choir cl on the 10th, and I have been singing only in cl since then. (I sing alto, so I didn't really have to hit the high notes.) However, when I sing, my voice sounds different from before I had acute bronchitis. I can't sing as loudly as before, my throat gets dry more easily, I get out of breath more easily, and I feel like I sound slightly nasally. What can I do to fully get my singing voice back?

I'm Russian pport holder with green card. Do I need visa for Venezuela?

I believe if you are going out of country (where you live), then you would need your visa to go anywhere. If you're from Russia going to Venezuela, then yes, you do need your visa. If you're in United States of America, as long as you're going within the state, then you wouldn't need your visa.

What would you do if....?

id try getting to know them a little better before i went unless this event is relly important to you then f them

Where to place Male Frenum piercing?

If you've spent many years learning about this stuff and it's a so called simple job then why don't you know where to properly place it? Dude, it's your , don't pierce them you really want to risk messing something up? Benzalkonium solution isn't going to sterilize your needle so have fun piercing your junk with a dirty needle.

Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?

I live in California, so there are some earthquakes. But I've felt only small ones. No, I don't believe all these things you have encountered have to do with climate change because even though you been in many natural disasters, it almost seems normal that these things would be happening. Yet, I believe some of the fires are caused by climate change, but not for earthquakes because California is overdue for one.

Why are childless couples punished?

Half of our property tax goes for the school district. I do not have anything against this, but what is the Government giving ME free? Shouldn't be there a formula for fairness?

Stoichiometry help? Calculating excess reagents?

You need to find the ratio of products to reagents to see which will be left over. To do this take one and ume the other is in infinite supply. so for prob 1 we first ume that Cl2 is infinite this would mean that al 3.6 mol of Al would be used and since the ratio is 2 to 2 or 1 to 1 3.6 moles of 2AlCl3 would be produced Then with AL in infinite we look at Cl this is kind of tricky but we can see that there are 6 mols of CL in the product and 6 in the reactant side so 5.3 moles would be produced. since the first yields 3.6 and the second 5.3 it has to be the lower which is 3.6. Follow these steps and complete the rest

Christians of all denominations ....Your interpretation please .......?

I would like to have book and chapter before I comment...I always like to read what is going on before and after to get everything in full context.

Ravens part of American history?

Recently Chris Chase wrote an article for Yahoo! Sports that stated the Ravens' mascot was part of a historical event as opposed to an animal, what did he mean by this?

Y! Answers Impact Awards Pt. 2?

the rock, shelton benjamin, randy orton, eddie guerrero, umaga(lashly and batista arent monsters) return of the chain gang, ric flair vs HBK, undertaker, jeff

Will My Mobile Work in the UK?

Providing the phone is unlocked to accept any sim card yes it will work. To gain access to MMS GPRS 3G etc you may have to get the settings sent to your phone from O2 though, you should be able to do this from their website.

What is a 13 year old girl supposed to be for halloween?

please help me! should i be like a bunny? or a cat? or like idk! help me please. im 13. i am really short only 4.9!! i dont want anything sticking out of me either ;].if you go to a halloween website and click on cute costumes that would be mucho appreciated.

Two companies enter into agreement and form LLCs to develop parcels of a tract for residential purposes..?

The operating agreements provided that "no Member shall be accountable to the [LLC] or to any other Member with respect to [any other] business or activity even if the business or activity competes with the [LLC's] business." The Westbury group entered into agreements with other parties to develop additional parcels within the tract in competition with the Bellemeade LLC. The Stokers filed a suit in a Georgia state court against the Westbury group, alleging, among other things, breach of fiduciary duty. What duties do the members of an LLC owe to each other? Under what principle might the terms of an operating agreement alter these duties? In whose favor should the court rule? Discuss.

What do you do for an upper respiratory infection?

I just go home from the doctor and he said I have an upper respiratory infection. He gave me "tussin" which I am uming is the same as robitussin, just generic. What do you do for an upper respiratory infection? Is it the same as bronchitis? The doctor didn't tell me anything just what I have and good-bye.

How would Sweet Judy say ...Welcome to Yahoo dear friend, in French?

A valuable tool especially for learning how to translate words or phrases I learned from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. It is called the babelfish and you can find it by googling. I apologize if this sounds like a cop out and smart-alecky.

Is it okay to contact a college under a different first name than your own because you want to change it?

I'm a sopre in high school and recently took the PSAT. I did pretty well and sent my information and scores out to colleges and I've been getting information packets from several colleges ever since. NYU was one of these colleges, and I'm really interested in it. They asked me to reply, correcting any mistakes with my name, address, and interests. I hate my first name, so is it weird or a bad thing to put down my desired first name instead of what my name actually is? I'm hoping to change it later down the road, but I can't do that until I'm 18 and I want to start college with my new name. Help? Advice?

Why do girls continue to get tattoos on their lower back when it is regarded as a "tramp stamp" in our society?

not that i got anything against it...but its always been a question of mind on why girls keep getting them even though every1 calls it a tramp stamp including women themselves.

Have you ever thought about this?

not just the lyrics, but the basic components of musical structure. It's undeniable that there would be no Rock or hip hop today if there were no 11th century latin chant, or 16th century protestant hymns.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Question about credit and financing?

Ok, I'm 21, and I have no credit. I dont have bad credit, I just have "limited or no" accoring to credit card companys. Well I got turned down for a guitar center credit card thing. I'm going tomorrow to buy a pretty pricey guitar, and online it says make payments of $$ a month, which I figured was with a card. Now is there a chance that you can pay so much upfront, and then be able to finance the rest? And if so, will I get to leave with the guitar that day, or will I have to wait til its paid off? Any advice or whatever you can give me. Thanks!

Polite Public Notice Regarding The Royal Rumble?

Nope, Christian will win the Royal Rumble and go onto Wrestlemania 27 to challenge Edge for the World Heavyweight championship.

Are more and more men letting their gfs and wives have affairs?

if im in a relationship i am with him and only him... if im single then i am promiscuous. why do u need 2 go elsewhere if your gettin

What are two poems?

This is my letter to the world that never wrote to me the simple news that nature told with tender majesty. E. enson A Robin Red in a cage, puts all Heaven in a rage. Wm. Blake. ( These are poems with consonances. I don't know what you mean NO Vowels.)

Why are the English so anti-Welsh?

the welsh have more of a problem with the English ppl and what are you waffling on about triads debt signs eternity what ever

Which filter is better?

I am getting a 100-120 gal aquarium for freshwater heavily planted tank. It will have one largemouth, its about 5 inches, and maybe some cichlids. I have a tetra 20-40 gallon now and plan on getting either a penguin bio-wheel 350 or a HOT magnum canister filter. Which is better? Plz explain why. Thanks.

Are Lions Bound For Playoffs Next Year?

I would really love to say yes for this question but aside of when the lions play the packers i have found myself rooting for the lions. i like the team embled but it will be really difficult to make it to the playoffs. i think the packers r still better and as much as i hate to say it if the bears defense doesnt get broken up they are still tough to beat. its a toss up but i still think the lions need another year before they make it to the playoffs....but they are deff on the rise no doubt about that!

Rematch clause for world tag titles?

RVD and BOOKER T had a rematch clause after loosing to evolution in 2004 after wrestlemania XX but RVD was drafted to smackdown and was never on the same show again if BOOKER T came back do they still have that rematch clause.

Question about a possible prom date???

so i really want to go to prom with one of my guy friends ( we arent super close,but we talk alot in cl and stuff) but i dont know how to ask him, or get him to ask me...I would rather him ask me, because, well, im broke, and proabaly cant afford my own ticket right now (sad, i know) could i hint to him that iwant him to ask me???please help asap! tickets go on sale in like a week!!!!

What is the book 'This Lullaby' by Sarah Dessen about?

i bought this book for my friend, and i was just wondering what it was about, and if it is appropriate for a 14 year old girl.

Experiences of getting pregnant after Depo Provera?

Its quite normal to not conceive for about 12 month after your last injection. If you are worried, there are pills that you can take only from GP which can hurry the stabilising process of your hormones. They work, or at least they worked for me. It took me 5 month after my last injection to get pregnant.

What propositions ped in California?

Sounds like prop 7, 10, 5 and 6 failed or will fall, prop 11, 12, 2 and 3 ped. it looks like prop 9 and unfortunantly 8 will p. Prop 4 is currently failing. 1A is currently 51% yes to 49% no.

Would i get them sick? please help.!?

Rule of Thumb, you have to be on antibiotics for 24 hours before you are considered non contagious. I would say you have a good chance of spreading your bronchitis if you go. Sorry.

How did Voldemort discover his telepathic connection with Harry?

I have read all the Harry Potter books several times but don't remember how/when Voldemort discovered his telepathic connection with Harry. But he had to know about it; otherwise he wouldn't have known to plant the image of Sirius Black being tortured in the Department of Mysteries in Harry's head. Was it ever directly discussed how Voldemort found out?

Need some advice, how to get out of this situ with my dad?

u an your mom should live together in an apartment together with a shared rent but go to collage .... then tell your dad to choke on a frekin golfball

Can an orthodox jew smoke a joint with two kinds of weed in it?

Two types of pot would still be two of the same seeds - it's the same plant, even if it's a different varietal. So it would not be prohibited according to the torah. However, there are some opinions that smoking any pot at all is prohibited, because it is harmful to the body and takes away your full ability and drive to study torah - in the same way that you should avoid drunkenness.

Should we all throw down the gauntlet?

I am glad you are one of those people willing to be active. I myself am active and help in the many ways you have suggested. It is a pity no one could give you an intelligent answer. It is also a shame that so many people are still voting Republican. Thought that party would be blacklisted after the 8 years we've had so far and the failures of so many Republican presidencies.

How big is the largest know asteroid?

The largest asteroid is Ceres, with a diameter of 950 km (590 Miles). It is clified as a dwarf planet, the only one not orbiting in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune.

How many of you believe gravity cannot be quantized?

I know they've been working on this for a couple of decades. It seems it would hold the key to some of the deepest secrets of the universe. It's related to some of the most fundamental cosmic questions. I know they've been searching for gravity waves and the particle which would be the basis for the gravitational interaction. It appears to be a worthy work, but at this point, are there many who believe that gravity is not like the other fields? It doesn't operate as the result of a particle or wave. It's a fundamental effect of relativity. And as far as unifying all the "forces," with gravity, have they considered the possibility that it's an apples and oranges proposition? Are there many in the scientific community who are, (and have been), skeptical of this whole line of investigation and believe this kind of research is going down a blind alley?

Does it ever amaze you how Muhammad, just one man, can do so much damage?

please i dont want to hear how he was a good guy, ive read all the horrible things he did, inations of poets that criticized him, severing the heads of over 800 jews of banu qurayza, burning athiests alive, cutting off people hands and feet, raiding caravans and killing the meccan coming back and forth from syria, etc... the list goes on. Now i look the world and i see all the tragedy islam has caused, does it ever amaze you how one man can do so much damage?

Why isn't the press looking into the backgrounds of the women who have made the Julian ange allegations?

Or would that be less 'y' than staying on the western bandwagon of sulky paranoia - scared of jumping off on account of them also being accused of being 'troublemaking lefties'?

Ichigoxruckia ? ichigoxinoue?

inoue cuz inoue love ichigo but ichigo didnt know but renji likes rukia and rukia dont know do you know its pretty complicated

What quarterbacks have the strongest arms in the NFL?

I would definitely think JaMarcus Russell has the strongest arm. I mean that guy has a cannon for a arm it's scary. After him I would have to say Michael Vick. When he was with the falcons they clocked his throw at around 100mph once. He has such a great throwing motion and is mechanically sound throwing the football. After that I would probably say Brett Favre believe it or not. Favre has hurt guy's hands throwing the football before. Watching him the other night it seems he still has that pop he has always had. In all honesty though it doesn't matter how strong an arm you have, doesn't exactly mean your going to be a great per in the NFL. Just look at Vince Young.

Help! I can't stop this cough and runny nose.?

I have had this "cold" for 2 - 3 weeks now. My head gets so congested I get headaches, my throat kills, my nose is a faucet and I cough so much I literally choke most of the day. I'm getting no sleep cause of the coughing. Do I go to the Dr for what could be just a cold? Is there anything going around I should know about?

Ladies, How Close Are You With Your Male Friends?

well id say they trust you a lot and are comfortable being around you. not necessarily gay like most people have been saying in ALL your other questions like these....hahah anyways im close with my guy friends like theyre my bros but idk maybe its because im like a guy myself? idk. ahah

Last night, I made a cake, then put it in the refrigorator...Do I need to keep it refrigerated?

What happens when it thaws out, will it dry out? will it taste the same? and will the frosting ( made of margarine, soy milk and powdered sugar) be affected negatively?

Can the adjective grisly be used as an emotion?

No, that doesn't make sense. Grisly describes what something/someone looks like, not someone's emotion.

Home work help?

geo project and the question says draw a map to show the course of the river so do i do a map on the whole of australia or just the murry darling river..........hlp plz ans quick

Were we tougher then????

Tough as nails back then: falling off swing sets and crying and my mother would just say.. well put a bandaid on it! Falling off bicycles and having scd knees. Climbing up to the tree house and nobody worried if we fell.. we were resiliant. And the only tv we got to watch on Saturday mornings watching Tarzan movies and rushing out to the swamp to swing on the vines.. but I hated being Cheeta :). My brother's bb gun that I tried to steal every chance. Sunday nights watching the Ed Sullivan show and Bonanza.. the only night we got to sit at the tv trays. Oh and I even survived Johnny down the street that insisted on flashing us girls and we would run home screaming to our moms.. just got told.. well just don't look at it!

Is there such as thing as sperm sample test?

LOL @ this but hun they don't need your sperm to check your DNA. If you want to keep out of mischief in future you should put all your ahem......' deposits' safely in a ;) x

My dad is mad what should i do?

He saw me this morning and yelled at me for having as he said white make up on. I didnt know my face minreal would do that really bad. So then he says you shaved your eyebrows off to stop trying to be marilyn manson. i'm not evn i'm a fan but never would i b like him.then after couple hours he comes in from work and says sorry i accpet it. Then he comes in from towing a car he says hi jess and i said hey and he said hw about hey dad i love you and i said hi dad then my dad said no its hey dad and so i rolled my eyes and said hey dad i love you and then he wento hug me so i just playfully pushed awway and i said just kidding. then he goes to brtoher and said can you bealive that? what should i do cause we always argure and barley have fun moments

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mixing fish and frogs...?

I have a 5 gal tank with 3 tetra and 2 angel fish, all pretty small. I want to mix in a frog. Good or bad idea? And what kind would I get? The fish are about the size of a quarter each.

3 People you would want to meet dead or alive?

Da Vinci is a good one. Then I would love to meet Mozart. He's so brilliant! Then... It's tough, but I would say Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha).

Doing a sport for college application?

Well both are important. But Doing sports like playing for your school or for club teams are helpful too. They show you can work on a team but a job will show responsibly and ability to work. Is there any way you could do both? Weekends?

Gh Fans what you guys think Sonny and olivia?

I agree w/everything you just said. I like Olivia. I like that she's tough but seems to have a good heart and that she's down-to-earth and tells it like it is. I think her and Sonny have more in common than Kate and Sonny. And I think the chemistry is more believable between Olivia and Sonny b/c they are more alike. I've always had a hard time understanding what Sonny see's in Kate. I'm not saying I want Sonny and Olivia paired up (I'm starting to like Olivia and Sonny always ruins the women he's with). But I def see more chemistry between those 2 than Skate.

Is Blood Ties..the drama about vampires show in the Uk or just the USA?

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Has anyone have.....?

two star signs? i do i think its called a sirius and im saggitaurius and cappricorn! what about you!

Protein Sources?

The production of animals for food has a greater negative impact on the environment than the production of plants for food (consider that to produce animals for food you must first produce food for the animal). Does this mean that in order to conserve the environment everyone should become a vegetarian? Explain your answer.

Tennessee Titans vs Houston Texans Monday Night Football Nov,23 Who you Got?

Texans got it, this will be a GREAT game and the Texans will be fresh coming off a bye week! Yeah, the Titans got C. Johnson, but we got A.Johnson..and I rather have A. Johnson then C. Johnshon any given day!!!!!!! Plus the Texans are awesome in their red battle jerseys, so thats a plus. Im going to this game!!!!!!!!(:

Start 'em Sit 'em Week 3 fantasy...?

If Pittsburgh held CJ to 40 yards, starting Carnell isn't an option. You have to go with Ronnie Brown. He looks great, and the Jet DEF isn't scary against the run. In fact, it's even overrated against the p.

Miley and mandy show?

okay you know on the first miley and mandy show they are dancing to some song do any of you know what the of it is

Do you thank God that America didn't go the same way as France?

France has always sucked before all that. Take for instance the American revolution. The only reason they helped us was to destroy and conquer us afterward. Luckily England told France if they can't have America, they surely won't let them have America.

How to get high school football coach to notice you at spring football?

next year im going to go out for the football team and ill be a junior itll be my first year playin there...ive played football my entire life with friends and other programs like 5'10 bt 40 speed is only like i will proly have the best hands out there i catch like larry fitzgerald

I was trying to install something on my laptop and I put it in a folder I probably shouldn't have, and now?

I have a bunch of little icons on my screen from that folder I put the download in. How do I get the icons back to where they came from? I am very computer illiterate, please help I share this computer with my brother and he will be p*ssed!

Do I have another chronic sinus infection?

Over the last few years i've pretty much been perpetually tired but treating my sleep apnea helped; that is until a few months ago. I got sick and after i thought i had recovered; i was tired and congested all over again. I also get dizzy occasionally and can't smell things very well! I have a history of sinus problems; are they at it again?

HELP WITH A SUMMARY PLEASE?! can you make a summary of this text please?

So you plagiarized a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and now you want us to rewrite it for you? LOL

What is this country song?

its a guy singing and he is talking about how beautiful is wife is and how she doesn't know it. it isn't the one "she doen't know she beautiful" by alan jackson, or sammy keshaw, its another one but i can''t think of it, help plz!

Can ya help(please, please, please) i posted this question yesterday and nobody answered?

Ask her if she would be interested in seeing a movie with you, or going out for a pizza, or something that you know she may like. If you two are talking try to find out what she likes, and try to ask if she wants to go do something with you.

Who wants to send their Ex into deep space?

I'm wanting to send my ex on a rocket into deep space never to be seen or heard from again. There is one seat left. Tell me why your ex deserves to be in that last remaining seat. Hurry the countdown is on!!! 10.....9....8.....7....

Is it illegal for a merchant to sell something by misrepresenting it?

Should it be illegal for merchants to sell products try are misrepresenting? When a merchant sells products using anything other than the proper name given by the manufacturer, is it a misrepresentation of the product? Are product and brand trademarks and copyrights an important detail in a product's proper name? Could the omission of a product's proper name or substitution of a product's name possibly indicate a counterfeit product? Should a product's proper name be included in the sales receipt or is it illegal to abbreviate its name?

Why isn't the Obama Administration going to bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to trial, civilian or military?

Obama promised to bring Gitmo detainees to trial in civilian courts but it now seems that the top guy isn't going to be tried anywhere. Is the plan to just leave him in Gitmo to ponder the error of his ways?

Dealing with ex-wife of my partner?

I am in a relationship with a man I was involved with over 20 years ago. We have re-connected again and are happy most of the time. He is going through a messy divorce and property settlement. He has joint custody of his 15 year old daughter. We have been dating for eight months and in this time, I have had to endure her endless abusive phone calls and text messages to him. He wants to "keep the peace" according to him so he endures this verbal abuse. She is an alcoholic and when she is on a binge the taunts start. I have been supportive of him and listened to his woes and he does not always bring her up in conversation but lately I am starting to tire of it. Somestimes he even defends her saying "she was a good wife for 16 years till she started drinking heavily" . Well, this is all well and good but she is not a nice person now so I say "no excuses" for her poor behaviour. I want to be supportive of him and help him through the bad times but I am feeling hemmed in and feel this situation is going to go on for a long time as the court battle has not yet begun. How would others suggest I handle this situation?

Work is stressing me out, I need advice please?

Take the new job, your employer will see who was doing all the woek and offer you more money to return.}{

Do you trademark or copyright a makeup line name?

i made up a name for my makeup line im trying to make and idk what to do tradmark it or copyright it and where should i do it at

How do you feel about the idea of Greater Syria?

This involves the idea of the unification of Syria,Jordan,Palestine and Lebanon. I find the idea very attractive. I can see no other "road map to peace" should could actually work. All of this territory was originally Syrian in any event. Opinions?

Electromagnetism.. :[?

Electromagnetism is the force of attraction between the charged particles.You get help from tutors in

How can I recover from this?

Socially I am crippled. I have not had a real friend since the fifth grade. When I came to middle school my friends moved or did not come to the same school. I was left to fend for myself in an increasingly hostile environment. I was teased to no end for various things the most notable among them was for being gay. Now, at this point, I scarcely knew what the word meant, I knew only that it was disgusting, wrong and against God. This teasing lead me to hate gays more than the devil himself. I blamed them for my torment. By the eighth grade I was beaten into a state of submission. I had been beaten up physically several times and mentally everyday. I told my parents little of this as early on they proved to hurt more than help. I learned that it was not okay to be myself and the hardships that came with trying. In the long run I was on my own and the one thing that I wished for more than anything was to be invisible.Upon entering high school, I became adept at just that. I stayed in IB/AP cles and kept to myself. I haven't been teased since. I haven't had a friend since either. I am completely alone with the exception of my family. I love them all dearly but at the end of the day I am always sorely reminded that one day they will disown me. This is because my sopre year I found out that all of those cruel children had been right. I realized that I was gay. I didn't come to this conclusion easily either. I would find myself feeling things for boys that I was quite sure I was not supposed to feel. I then set out on a campaign of trying to stare at girls, trying to become infatuated with one. It was to no avail. I hated myself for feeling the way I did. It was like my life had been turned upside down, like I was the evil that I had despised for so long. The worst part was that I could tell no one my condition, I had no one to talk to. At present, I am a senior and nothing has changed. I have never been to a party, done drugs, been drunk, had or even kissed. Not that I really care (or even remotely desire experiencing some of the above) but that is the image commonly portrayed of the modern teenager is it not? I am coming to a point where I simply can't take being alone anymore. I want a real relationship, I want real friends yet I don't feel like I even know myself well enough anymore to try and get them. Not to mention everyone still ignores me as if I am not there. I really just wish that somebody cared. The fact is that I put myself in this position out of fear and now I don't know what to do or where to start.

Why do people get embarred when they have an accident?

It's a natural bodily function and everyone does it. So why is accidental defecation deemed a social no-no?

Would it be OK for Bush to sell pardons to criminals, when he leaves office? ?

Nancy hit it pretty good. Exiting presidents often take more with them than they left behind. You'd think that they'd want to leave the place better than they found it. I guess that's the same thing with the country they were supposed to have been serving. Just once, I'd like ONE president to do something honorable before they pull up tent pegs. I don't know what that would be, but I'd like to think that they've got enough creativity (and money) to leave something behind that shows they weren't 100% in it for the money. That's one of the points of life...leaving behind a legacy that's great enough to be copied and promoted for generations to come. So, precedents aside, I don't think it would be okay for Mr. Bush to do what most other presidents have done. It would be better to leave with honor, and at least give the position some honor. That's the least any public servant can do. <*)))><

I can join new employer without cancel my visa in Kuwait.?

I came from kuwait on emergency leave to India on Feb-2008, i not cancelled my employment Visa, Please any one can tell me i can join again to a new company. IF there is any chances for the New company to take Visa for me.

HELP! Who where the allied and axis powers in World War ll?

Japan was on Germany's side. France was under Nazi rule, so they obviously were somewhat forced to the German side. Although, France also had many many resistance fighters, primarily from the South, who helped the Allies regain France. Stalin was from Russia. At the beginning of the war, he was on Germany's side due to non-aggression pact that he and Hitler signed, but Hitler broke this pact and attacked Russia. Stalin than basically came over to the Allies side and fought Germany on the eastern front.

Why can chris brown have a career after beating up rhianna, but mel gibson is shunned?

chris brown was convicted of domestic battery, mel gibson hasn't been convicted of anything yet his career is over----is it because he's white

Do you like Phil Collins?

I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Sussudio, a great, great song, a personal favorite.

Worst Coming out experience..Were your expectations met?

Sounds to me like you crushed her heart. My coming out experience was great. But I did run into a couple problems like what you just stated, and I found out later it was because they had crushes on me. Its probably the same scenario for you. Good Luck!

Owwwwieee! braces help meee!?

ok i got braces on yesterday! they look amaziiing but hurt like...well never mind! but anyway they hurt alot! its not sores on my cheek so wax can't do anything about thje pain i'm talking baout its an ache, my teeth are realllly sore! i can't even bite down on a cotton ball! it hurts to brush my teeth (but i do anyway) and all i can eat is yogurt! the eating isn't the problem i like yogurt but i really would love to not have so much pain! i took 2 advil this morning at 6:30 and know its 10am. cramps and my teeth kept me up all night and i couldn't sleep this morning very well! i'm in pain all over. i can't go get any medican right know but i might be able to later but in the mean time is there anything i can do to get the pain less painfull???? also is there anything i can take or put on for the pain such as medican (i might be able to get it later) and whats the best way to get rid of cramps...(medicans or foods)

Why did Gandhi approve sending 2.5 million Indian troops to fight on the British side in world war 2?

Because he was naive enough to think the british would promise india freedom and keep their word which is obviously not in a western country like britains nature.

WHY!! spam ims and not going into chat areas?

I saw a lot of ur answer's stated that when u go into and leave chat rooms u get spam im's. Well I NEVER go into chat rooms yet! get 20 spma im's daily. YES!! i ignor and mark spam but doesn't help.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How old were you when you got your first tattoo?

my parents are letting me get my first tattoo when i turn sixteen, which is next march. its a chinese symbol that means love and its going on my forearm. My mom and dad both have it on their arms and its kinda like a thing between us. then if i can handle the pain on that then i am going to put daughter in chinese on my leg. my mom and dad have husband and wife on theirs and they are getting mother and father on them too. so its going to be another "thing". then after that im getting a yellow support our troops ribbon with Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 in the top of the ribbon with the Airborne eagle in the center of the ribbon and on the bottom of the ribbon im putting my hero my dad in it cause my dad fought in the war in 2003. But alot of people say its wrong that im getting a tattoo and that i should wait till im in my twenties, but i think since they are meaningful ones and have a story behind them then its fine.. what do you think?

Aggressive kitten behavior?

No, the cat isn't aggressive just looking to get attention. Giving the cat more attention may calm down his (skittish) behavior. I doubt that he intentionally scratched you either.

Mt Vesuvius eruption on Pompeii?

79 AD. Approximately 1,150 people died. The entire cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed.

Thrash metal team battle?

Max Cavalera and Andreas Kisser vs Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman vs James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett? I'd vote for Max and Andreas but thats just my opinion.

Popular teenage songs right now? Upbeat mainstream music?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can you find out how much goody-two-shoes power you have with Yahoo?

And does this GTSP affect everything, from number of people it takes to report your answer to question auto-catch algorithm?

I've got a bit of a problem can anyone help?

maybe something happend whaen you were little, and you don't remember, if it is relly bothering you this much i'd seek counciling. hopefully it was just a nightmare!

Prepaid Visa Card Help - URGENT!!!?

I live alone and am recovering from a brutal surgery. I can't leave the house for a few days, and I especially cant drive because of the pain meds. I have aprepaid visa card that has plenty of money on it, and Im trying to buy a membership for my favorite online game (runescape), but the visa card says it can only be spent in the US, and Jagex is in the UK. I've checked ebay and amazon and everywhere I could and couldntt find anywhere that I could buy a membership code without having it shipped to my house because that takes days. Can anyone help me out here? Is there any way to take the US purchases only off the card? Or does anyone have a membership code theyll trade me? All help is greatly appreciated, and with anything at all email me at

What song is this, in the music video...?

in the music video some black guy wakes up out of bed nd everything has like faces like the paintings have faces nd our talking. he goes into to his talking car and there are like talking flowers outside. He goes on a mary go round with a chick and ya. The name of the song is a name like something brown or morris. please help

Pretend you are a speech teacher, how would you grade the speeches at the Democrat National Convention?

I watched it this week on N.B.C. Tonight I watched it on CNN Their lip movements where not with the Audio Believe it or not my husband and I comment on the speech and we give them all ,,,,,A +

Will I still ship? Marine IST?

I leave for boot camp in 13 days and I got 7 pull ups, 73 crunches, but my run is horrible, I cant seem to get it better (its 15:02) because I still work 30 hours a week cause I have bills to pay (till friday) , its hard to find time to work out, but I don't know what there going to do, could they kick me out the DEP? would I go to PCP? Any Marines know would be great help to know and to expect!

Im like 6ft tall and i just bought a 148 Sub Pop Snowboard.?

Mainly i do rails and jibs, a little jumping. I bought a 157 last year and hated how big it was so this year i bought a 148. Does that sound too small? I do a little all around mountain but mostly jibbing, like any rider i do trail riding too but no backwoods or anything. What do you guys thinjk

Week 1 Predictions for the NFL season.?

My Cards will destroy the Panthers and the Seahawks will not beat San Fran. I couldn't give two sh*ts about the rest except for the Rams beating the Eagles.

Soreness from a bite or a pulled muscle?

We did an intense workout in athletics the other day and my left arm is weaker than my the day after i noticed my arm was getting stiff and i couldn't extend it all the way, today i couldn't move it but my right arm is ok and has very little soreness there was also a bite where my arm is sore but that is right on the bisep(i dont no how to spell it) and it swelled up really big then it went away and the soreness came is it the bite or from the workout and is just a pulled the muscle

Does anyone know where to find reviews on Poe's "The Black Cat" from the 1800's?

I am doing a paper, and I am trying to find reviews of 'The Black Cat' from the actual 1800's. I need to find reviews, and find what peoples reactions were from the 1800's. Thanks!

I'm getting Curtis Granderson and giving JJ Hardy, Good trade or Not?

Your infield is full of holes and you are trading for an outfielder? You are rich in outfielders. It's a good trade because you have Tulo as SS. But when you get Granderson, you need to work out a deal for someone better than Alexei. Fielder is killing you right now but he is too talented to stay that bad. Napoli isn't hitting his weight. You are going to have to dig into some of those outfielders and trade for some hitters in the infield and at catcher. Your pitching is fine but the few holes you have are deep ones. Make this deal just so you have better trade bait.

Hotel by Democratic National Headquarters in Washington DC?

The DNC is located at 430 South Capitol SE; the Holiday Inn at 550 C Street SW or Residence Inn (333 E Street SW) are probably the closest name-brand hotels.

Why do people think Atheists don't have faith ?

I know athiests have faith in some rather silly ideas. They have faith that the universe created itself even though the laws of thermodynamics make it clear that something cannot magicly appear out of absolute nothing with absolutely no cause. They have faith that inanimate matter began to live even though there has never been a single instance where this was observed. They have faith that there is no God even though they can present no evidence that there is no God.

Celebrity Apprentice : Did anyone else find it...?

Lisa was a poor leader. She treated the others like babies with her "pep" talks. Starr and Dionne were wrong to want their names on the cover of the book. Starr is a "take charge" kind of person. I was never a fan, but I like her on this show. She knows what to do and does it. Lisa was responsible for the task and they lost. She was rightly fired. I hope Dionne goes next! She was just cruel and mean.

VW Electrical Woes?

I didn't have the keys in the ignition and I've done the manual window operation via the door. I've also had two mechanics look at it and they're at a loss which means mucho dinero for me. Maybe I should just sell it and get an old pick up truck? Whats a good cheap car? I picked a great time to go back to school!!!!! AAARRRRGH!!!!

Tell me what you make of this plot.....?

Really, really interesting. I enjoyed reading through that and I venture to say that if you write your story as well as you did your synopsis, you'd have a great novel/book on your hands. It's creative and exciting (even it did evoke thoughts of Moses and the Promised Land), and I'd really like to see where it goes. Well done and get writing!

Is the antichirst already here?

Go read Revelations, that will give you a good description of what the Antichrist is. also do a google on Maitreya, he is a good example.

1997 plymouth breeze front speaker size?

I know that they are 6.5" wide, but I need to know what the maxium mounting depth is, so the back of the speaker doesn't rub the window when it is going up or down.

Not sure which to choose between electrical engineering and mechanical engineering ?

If you're looking to make money electrical engineering is the way to go as it encompes computer programming and working with all-around electric, digital and electronic circuits. However it can be extremely hard so only choose it if you're really into that kind of stuff.

Who would win?

Ash would have the life sapped out of him by the metroid. Master chief would come and gun ash down metroid and all. Then the chief would walk by a trash can and get surprised by the king then sam fisher would throw a grenade and knock hem both out. In the background obama and opera would be arguing on the tactics on how to beat clinton and would not notice batman swoop down and deck them both in the kidneys. Billy and mandy would go toe to toe with mega man and megaman would roast both of the with one hit of his cannon. link would use his boomerang on lu kang, dhalism and kat williams and dizzy them and then wail on them with his master sword. At this point Fisher, link, the king mega man and bomber man would be left. Out in the distance you would see master chief in a warthog zooming right at them he would shoot the brakes off and jump off and the warthog would hit them and explode. Link used the power of the triforce and protected himself. Then link would do a back flip sh hot a arrow right in the chiefs gun so he unveils his energy sword then they battle mono e mono. Link stabs master chief in the chest it punctures his suit and he falls over on his back then link goes in for the finishing blow then suddenly master chief turns over leans for his spartan laser and blows link on in the face. chief gets up and throws a grenade at link at walks away...

Whats the name of the part thats under the signal light of a honda prelude?

It looks like it can be an OEM Fog light but i am not sure. When i bought my car, it is already missing so now theres an empty space underneath my signal turning light. FRONT BUMPER..can anyone tell me the name of that part and where i might be able to find it? this is for a Honda Prelude 5th Gen. Thank You

Do I call their bluff if they are blackmailing me?

Can you consult a lawyer about it? Maybe there's some legal law or something that can help you out. Sorry, just an idea.

Help with Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata Movement 1...?

I seem to have trouble with the section of the first movement following the part where the right hand crosses over the left . After practicing it slowly and increasing the speed each time , I can play it up to to tempo correctly without trouble . But when I am playing it say the next day without starting off slow, my hands are more tense when playing it And they get tired after playing twice through. I've been practicing it for a while now but just can't seem to play That part at full tempo right off the bat without my hands getting somewhat tired even after warming up(scales, etc.) I have no problems playing the rest of the piece at tempo but with this part and can just barely get through it without starting off slow And working my way up because my hands seem to get tired which affects the performance of the section directly following

Party Music for a Sweet Sixteen!?

try they have great songs for parties on there if your into rap and hip hop type music.

Drop Nelson Cruz for one of these FA?

The only pickups worthy are Hoffman if you need saves or Weaver if you need another good starting pitcher. Weaver has been one of the only bright spots so far for the Angels and Hoffman is a great closer even at 90 years old. I think a dark horse is Tood Helton. Not a lot of people own him, but hes stroking the ball right now at .343. There are def better 1B out there, but it depends if you want to take the risk on him or go for some pitching.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I really want to start going college what should I'm not from the US and i all ready fail the GED test?

i got a big problem.. i really want to start going college but i don't have my High school diploma or GED ... why? because I'm not from the US i came to NY about 4 years... from Colombia i try with the GED test but i failed MATHS ... so there's any problem if i bring my High school diploma from my country ?? and try the TOEFL and everything again...... even if i all ready did the GED test?

Hurt to wax?

hey,,does it hurt horribly to way the hair under you nose.. cause pulling one hair hurst mondo mucho much.. will getting it all pulled off at once hurt a milllion more time more? i'm a girl just a relief to you . lol

Is political affiliation a good indicator as to what type of person someone is?

Do you find you tend to be friends with people of the same affiliation, and as far as the opposite , do you find you are more attracted to someone with the same political ideals.

Is this what freedom of expression has come to mean nowadays?

How proud we have become. We're forgetting the story of the tower of Babel. The minority atheist population in America seems to have a strong influence in legislation since believers are afraid of being labeled "unfair," even when their rights are being trampled. You don't need to please everyone. You belong to a religious group because you're supposed to support that group.

Who thinks Adolf Hitler was a great speaker?

I have always even since childhood considered Hitler a ham handed, corny, burlesque style performer. I think his style has not aged well and today, he would be laughed off any stage (except for maybe Fox News Channel).

What are some y turn on moves to do to your gf in bed?

Like i will lightly kiss then, then back away, then go for kiss, but avoid and smell her hair, then go for kiss, but move away just as were about to touch, then eventually go for kiss, what are some ideas like that, i can use, some anticipation moves? while getting to or in etc

Lost Licence in colorado do i lose it in NH as well?

my sister lost her licence in colorado i dont know if colorado has the....r word that i dont remember with nh.... enlightenment plz :P

Well my friend called my friend stupid.. is she right?

Personally I think your friend should mind her own business; other people's lives (especially considering she is 20!) and decisions shouldn't be her concern.

Who Played the Character of Andrew Laeddis in Shutter Island?

There is a scene in the film when Dicaprio, as Teddy Edwards, briefly talks to Andrew Laeddis. Laeddis is siiting in a chair. The same chair, next to the fireplace, that the German Dr was originally sitting in when we first meet that character. He looks a lot like Robert De Niro but apparently it is not him? I couldn't tell because he was covered in blood. And then suddenly becomes Chuck, mid lighting of Dicaprio's cigarette.


that's not for any of us to say. we don't know their relationship or how they feel about each other. move on.

This is part 2 of why kobe is better than magic and lebron!!!?

all you trash talking as if kobe wasnt good enuff u guys must be fans of jordan the same generation who never watchs basketabll no more tim duncon reall has anyone ever said timmy was the greatest all time maybe greatest power forward but i think karl malone would murder duncon he was to strong and listen rerally wilt was great but play against little white guys to earn stats and when he got to the finals was owned by russel kuz russel was more "energetic" and "disire" to win more reall i dont have to make my words nice and neat thats for sports columns i aint a dam columnist im a fan and a person who studies history of nba and stats i knokobe dont really compare with stats but neitheer does alot of greats what seperates kobe is something you stat freaks and jordan fags will never understand kobe has more abilities than all of them even all the sports columnist say it they say jordan was better but kobe has better skills dont make no sense though how he has skills but aint better kuz jordan would of not got 6 rings if he started the same year kobe did he would of got beat by the lakers with prime shaq and young kobe and i never seen shaq dominate a game like kobe dominated that 81 point game(2nd greatest scoring game evr) kobe scorded way more than shaq could ever had and you call shaq dominate plz no one has ever put shaq in the same breathe as jordan but they put kobe in the same breathe and shaqs suppose to be better he dont even have five rings and kobe would never jump to team to team to try and win a ring like shaq old is shaq is jus a big body like a wilt but not even close as dominate u can say all u wan shaq wont ever be top 5 kobe might so dont hate kuz u dont want him therre i understand he is hated bekuz he threatens jordans legacy but look kobe wont ever be considered betterthan jordan but i think he is but he wont maybe when this generation pes ppl will repect and wish they were around to see kobe play trust me hes goin down to be one of the best all time and possibly the 2 best jkuz alot of u 60's,70's and early 80's babies think kuz back then was so boring that wat jordan did was the best kobe is and always will be the best lakers and top 2 players all time when hes done!!!

Who is your favorite AL and NL player?

Tell me your favorite player from the AL and NL. Then put who would win a homerun derby between the two

Is there a way to tell which type of tear a person is crying?

I know that there are three different types of tears: Basal, Reflex, and Emotional, but I wanted to know if there was a way to tell which type of tear a person is crying just by looking at the person, or if you need to run a special lab test to see which one the person is crying? I only ask because at my school an incident occurred involving my friend and another girl and the other girl is ALWAYS crying whenever the guidance counselor tries to talk to them. So, I wanted to know if there are ways to tell the three types of tears apart. If you need to run tests on the tears, please send pictures of what the tears would look like under a microscope or any pictures of whatever you may need to do. Thank you!

How does Harold Camping suggest to avoid the rapture?

HI, I know the world is going to end tomorrow and I have already reserved a bunker at a low rate of $15,000 dollars. How else did Harold Camping say we could protect ourselves from the rapture tomorrow?

How did Selena Gomez win the People's Choice Award?

She won against Bruno Mars and Justin Bieber... I like Selena and all, but she's not a good singer. How could she have possibly won?

Week 2 NFL predictions? Most accurate prediction gets 10 points!?

Bears, Bengals, Packers, Jags, Cheifs, Vikings, Giants, Redskins, 49ers, Falcons, Cardinals, Chargers, Ravens, Jets, Browns, Cowboys. I know alot of these games are going to be close no shutouts. If there any OT games the other team will only win by 3points. Alot of these games are debate able but u will see.

How many people will ask the same question about who will win the Home Run Derby this morning?

actually, I came on here to answer all those people because I know who will win(gonzo), but then I saw your question which is much more intresting. so I'll say 19

Hi live in Ware,Palmer area of MA and I have to go to court this month because of a membership problem.?

I have a court date this month with Gill's gym of Palmer MA and was wondering if anyone else was going threw the same ordeal. Back in 2008 I signed up at Gill's for a 1 month membership of 35$ and went for two to three weeks and didn't like. So I had paid them the money for that 1 month agreement and never looked back. Now it's 2011 and they send a police officer from 30 miles away to my home at 10:30 at night to serve me with a paper stating I have a couple of days to pay a year membership 400 and something dollars or go to court. So now I'm going to court for something I never agreed to. Is anyone else from the area going threw this with this particular gym? (Gill's Gym Palmer MA) please get back to me thanks.

Statistics Question Part 4?

t measures how unusual a result is. If you're not rejecting the null hypothesis, that's because the result isn't unusual, and you know it's not unusual because t is near 0.

What do you think about Shrikanth's sage words?

I have said it here many times. All this started with Ganguly: it's he who had instilled the killer instinct in Indian team; it's under him India started winning away matches, so most of the credit goes to him. Dhoni must be praised for keeping up the momentum, and taking India to greater heights.

Fake gles arte for tools?

Ok so ive always thought I looked good in gles(however I have 20/20 vision) ans all I could ever find around my area in fake gles I always though looked a but girly...soooo I went to Ollie's and bought a pair of real gles I liked(they where 2.99) and pop ed the lenses out...someone told me I was Tool for doin that...I could see someone sayin im cheap, but whats the worlds opinion? Dose it make someone a tool to do so?

Friday, August 12, 2011

The 10 Annual Allan Border Medal Awards will be held on 3rd February 2009 ?

How the crap do you know all their partners names, are you a stalker or what, to answer your question, i really don't care what they look like as long as they are not in a hessian bag like the indians would be dressed in.

Why did the giant space worm try to swallow the Millennium Falcon in Han Solo 12:17?

Do giant space worms just live in asteroid fields waiting for unlucky space ships to fly into tunnels to escape the evil empires patrol ships but the tunnels happen to be the mouth of the giant worm? Seems a strange way to make a living to me, I mean, how often do space ships fly into asteroid fields to escape the evil empires patrol ships? But I can see the important moral lesson in this story and that is; it is far better to face ones problems head-on rather than to go hiding in tunnels....because those tunnels could turn out to be the mouths of hungry giant space worms.

Is there any study for this?

I had a thought recently wondering if there were any polls or studies asking orphans of a decent age (maybe 12 or older, at least old enough to understand the issue) if they would mind having adoptive parents and if it would affect who they would allow to adopt them. It doesn't seem like the children themselves get to have much say in who can adopt them, which is really saddening. They only allow parents who they think are capable and are safe to be given the duty as parents, so why reject an entire group (the GLBT community) instead of looking at them in an individual scale first?

Yfz 450 vs banshee vs raptor 700?

sold my blaster with a built motor and now looking for the fastest and best all around, kinda leaning to banshee cause im a 2 stroke fan, what would you say best deal

Which computer should i get...?

They all have fairly similar specs...(8gb ram, core i7) you seem to not too much about computers if you are posting this here....they are all very powerful computers....that is a great processor and alot of ram! if you are going to be using it for just everyday email, im, surfing the web...i wuold go with the cheapest one...they all have good specs...roughly cheaper is the one i would go with if i were you

Is time going to slow down for us when the expansion of our Universe accelerates?

According to the theory of relativity this is already happening. The reality of it is that there is no "twin" in any position to see the difference. If time relative to earth changed it's rate of page, even if by a large amount, we would not be able to see it because we would change with it. It's all in the difference between two points of view. With all humans on or near earth, the chance any sort of change would be observable is very, very small.

Bangladesh wuz a part of pakistan? but its so far away?

Not that hard it is called and empire not all empires with multiple countries were all in one country.

I want a MEW! Can we make a deal?

I have pokemon white and I'm looking for a mew that can complete my team. Im willing to get rid of my master ball, vicinti, or celebi. If you want something els I can find it for you. I just REALLY want one. Let me know if you want to make a deal and I will give you my e mail so we can make it happen. Or leave your game name and friend code. mine is Roxy and 2064 8899 0702

LGBT POLL: Describe your dream boyfriend/girlfriend?

Someone that makes me laugh and can carry on intelligent conversations on all sorts of topics. Someone that accepts my family and my friends. Someone that takes care of themselves- ie grooming and hygiene. Someone with similar drive.

Did Adolf Hitler dye the gray out of his hair and mustache?

I haven't seen any photos where he looks like he's going gray do you think he was just lucky or did he break out the old shoe polish?

Keeping my options open, sparklyarse vs the yellow ball?

the ball is playing her cards close to her chest, i need a back up babe, i hear sparklyarse would stoke old lord trousersnakes pions, where has she gone ?

How to build a golden rectangle with specific ratio?

draw a golden ratio rectangle. Extend the diagonal line out to infinity. measure out one length 2331/2 - 777 rt5/2

55 gallon tropical set up?

And another thing with the angelfish is that don't just get two angelfish get three becoz the one most dominant will bully the weaker angelfish :(

My Monitor doesnt link up with my new video card?

also if it were previously an onboard graphics card, you may want to check the BIOs to make sure there Mobo is set to use the AGP slot for the video driver.

What do you think I will get from the court? A fine and ban or ......... ?

Not sure why you have 3 exclamation marks after saying you're female and 19 at the time of the offence!!! So what? Think of the person you love and treasure the most. Now think of a reckless car plowing into them and harming them severely, or worse. Do you still think safety laws are unfair? A car is a loaded bullet.

What do you think of my fantasy football team?

Your team is very good. However, I would drop Gould and New England DEF because you don't need backups for defense and kicker. At the bye week just pick someone else up, but don't waste a roster spot. Instead, pick up high potential guys like Johnny Knox (WR), Victor Cruz (WR), or Rob Gronkowski (TE). This way, if they breakout you will already have them and they can actually contribute on your team.

Which of these teams would you prefer to build an NFL team around? Why? & Which NFL team are you a fan of?

i would take team D. manning is the second best quarterback in the league, behind brady and at 32 years old, and constantly healthy i would expect him to be dominant like before. hes younger than favre, who could retire any day ( and essentially ruining team A's franchise because they lack that dominent QB), and his skills are simply better than palmers. adiran peterson, hes got hte most potential out of all the runing backs, (LT probaly is gonna get any better but he still has lots of years ahead of him) and as a rookie he showed what he could do. a great running game always leads to success and thats what he'l do in YEARS TO COME. sure they're questions about his health but then again wesetbrook and jackson have been plagued by injuries as well. peteson is also a good receive out of the backfield, hes know westbrook but hes more efficient tha jackson. like i said before out of EVERYONE you listed, he has the most upside. wide receiver wise, moss is the oldest but a tandem of maning and moss thats naerly unstoppable, and with a good running back for years to come, moss's age wont be as a bigger factor because you've taken hte pressure off of him with a franchise RB. randy has had his sahre of injuries and a questionable attidue but winning is what makes him hapy and with manning and peterson he'l be content for yours. solid wide receivers aren't even that hard to come by these days via draft, owens was a 3rd round pick and steve smith went in the 2nd round and also a team can WIN without a dominent WR, look at the patriots when tehy beat thhey won. deion branch wasn't a dominent wide receiver , he was talented but if was the QB that made him os good. troy brown was on the decline when the pats won so essentially you can win without a great WR. in al team D is a the best taem and a close second would be team C.

Is this a funny joke?

Ok u have a kola bear getting high in a tree and a lizard walks by and askes if he can get stoned with him well the kizard is getting stoned well his mouth gets dry so he goes to the river to get a drank and he falls in and a alligator helps back to the bank well the lizard told him everythting and the alligator wants to see this well he goes to see the kola bear and then the kola bear goes damn how much water did u drink

Voiding a contract in DEP?

Just curious but is it possible to back out of your Army contract in the DEP? Ive been hearing mixed answers. Also would it affect you in anyway if you wanted to join another branch?

What novels are typically read in a college English cl?

I'm not sure if I should keep the novels I read in my high school Honors English cles. Ex. Othello, As You Like It, The Great Gatsby, The Scarlet Letter, Farewell to Arms, Fahrenheit 451, The Bell Jar, Go Tell It On The Mountain, Franny and Zooey, Ethan Frome, A Streetcar Named Desire, Beowulf, Angels and Demons...

Why did Bush Lie about a Saddam/bin Laden connection?

He didn't lie. When we went to war with Iraq it was because Saddam had WMD's or so thought most everyone. We do know for a fact that Saddam had WMD's and used them against his own people. Bush never said Saddam and Bin Laden had a connection.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tiny particles in new tropical aquarium and fish are dying?

Your tank is overstock for the cycling period. That why the guppies and your other fish is dying. So now you should do a 25% water change to clear some amonia from the water. The recomend fish stock during cycling period is one fish per gallon of water so four guppies will be better for your tank. Return the swordtails and let the tank cycle. When you notice all the level are good (A: 0 ppm, Ni: 0 ppm, Na: <25 ppm) then start to add new fish slowly, two or three at a time and get all your fish in within a month. during that time continue to check the water quality.

Is getting a widespread rash on arms and legs common in a pregnancy?

Im not so sure but i think it could be sign of high blood pressure (preclamsia).not sure on spelling sorry. See your doc.

Question about sun protection?

As i sit here in snow weary New England I am planning my summer. I will have to jobs one at a stable and one a the yacht club. I will be a riding instructor/stable hand and a launch operator. But I will be out in the sun 13 hours a day-from 8 a.m to 9 p.m. I'm red haired and going to burn to a crisp! I'll wear a baseball cap and a T-shirt and shorts and sneakers-ill melt in anything else. I'll wear sunscreen obviously but what else can i do to help protect my skin? Any particular brand or strenth of sunscreen? And how about ways to keep my skin soft and not too dry? Thanks so much!

Is it easy to misinform Americans about other countries b/c most can't find them or learn about them?

I mean we have people who honestly think that no other country besides America has freedom a long life expectancy, education and a high standard of living, when this is the case in Canada, all of Western Europe, Australia, NZ, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and other places. How ignorant can you be to think that the entire world outside of America is socialist, that all their health care is abysmal, that there are no other free nations besides America? Is this what happens when it becomes socially acceptable to not be able to find even your own country on a map? Seriously, why is it so easy to convince the average American that his is the only country with freedom and quality health care on this Earth? Are there people stupid enough to think that Australians are living in a Third-World country, that Kiwis on average only live to be 40, that France is a communist nation where private enterprise is forbidden completely, that the Irish are starving and have no freedom of press, that Switzerland does not allow its citizens to defend themselves? Where does this ignorance of the outside world come from? What kind of uneducated person thinks that only America has freedom and prosperity and that the outside world is all socialist and backwards?

Who else is so excited and happy that Ailea and Whitney got kicked off Bad girls club?

omg yes!! hen cookies said she felt better that she told ailea to go home, so did i lol. She is the most annoying anger management girl. And she needs the fab five to back her upp all the time. if it weren't for them, she wouldn't be going at cookie or saying crap all the time

Sequence and Series please help question...?

The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence, Un, is give by the formula Sn: 4n^2 -2n. three terms of this sequence U2, Um and U32, are consecutive terms in a geometric sequence. Find m.

What's the best song by Sia?

I Agree i was a big fan when she bought out the Album Colour the Small One, Breathe Me was the first song i heard and fell in love, that whole album is amazing but i think sweet potato is my all time favorite Sia song, such great lyrics.

What is the song in Bad News Bears from "Carmen"?

When the bears are playing, maybe their first game (I know it is a game), they are messing up terribly. When the other team (Yankees?) are continuously rounding the bases, and the ball is going past them, this song plays... what is it? It's from the opera "Carmen" that's all I know.

Is it safe to travel to bangkok on 2nd april with all this political tension..will the shopping malls be open?

I live and work in the center of Bangkok. I have yet to see any red shirts. So don't worry they are in certain outlining areas of Bangkok. Not in the shopping districts.

Republican Hypocrisy?

True, and I cant buy a Cuban cigar from evil communist Cuba but I can go to WalMart and find shelves that are stocked with 80% communist Chinas goods. THATS hypocrisy. China is buy our debt for this war (over 700 million dollars a day) so I guess thats ok.

Why do astronomers believe that the debris that create many isolated meteors come from asteroids, whereas....?

Why do astronomers believe that the debris that create many isolated meteors come from asteroids, whereas the debris that create meteor showers are related to comets?

Stretching soccer cleats?

i just bought a nice pair of puma soccer cleats, and they are kind of hurting my feet right now. anyway i can stretch them with out hurting or using my feet? thanks!

Should I trade Tony Romo for Michael Turner and Joe Flacco?

My backup QB's are Carson Palmer and Vince Young. I have Deangelo Williams, Lesean Mccoy and Jerome Harrison as backs.

Ladies Read This. Guys Do U Agree With Me.?

Agreed. Most women over yze **** n it kills me, or they'll blow up for no reason? I mean really? come on people.

What song has the lyrics "help me escape" and then something about "dangerous escape"?

I was listening to the radio the other day and I heard a song I really liked. The only thing is, I don't know its title. The only lyrics I can remember as of right now is "help me escape", "sweet escape", and "dangerous escape". I know it's not much to go by, but for some reason I can't remember. I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me. The song is recent and it's not Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani. Thanks!

How to open a trust fund that would own my LLC?

I am going to start an llc and would like it to be owned by a trust fund. How exactly should I go about setting this up and what is a good financial institution to go through?

Why does my belly hurt when I touch or probe at my navel for too long?

probably because you're touching and probing your navel for too long. leave it alone. if it hurts for a long time afterwards you may want to go to the doctor

Underlining in a book?

Since it is your book you can do with it whatever you like. You can underline in your present book and keep the other book pristine./

Does this sound like food poisoning or just diarrhea?

well i had a food poison 5 months ago,.i think it was because i ate to diferent kinds of meat on the same day, the other didnt agree, i had a severe vomitting at night also i was running to the toilet whole night, yeah it was sort of diahhrroea. i had to take 2-3 medicines each day for 5-6 days. i couldnt leave my house for 10 days.

Christians, Why Aren't Our Churches Giving Food and Shelter to Our Hungry?

Sure, they support missionaries in foreign lands or send some help to an Inner City Mission. But the truth is, many U.S. citizens are hungry and driven to the brink of desperation with financial problems, joblessness, lack of insurance. Yet the churches that offer free meals to the Hungry are few and far between. Most are building on, filled with well-dressed, prosperous Congregations, with little thought for those in need. Few churches have opened up their kitchens to the needy! Few churches have opened up their doors as shelters for the homeless! Yet they receive thousands of dollars in Faith Based Charity. We do have one Catholic Church that puts on a meal every Tuesday. This helps, but is not sufficient. My question is....where are our tax-supported Faith Based Charity dollars going? Why is there no accountability for these funds? When every community in the U.S. has people in need, shouldn't a Church be actively helping them with food, shelter and medical costs?

How do I clean Sperry Top-Sider boat shoes?

These are not the suede kind... don't know the material, but my jeans covering them have turned them blue/black, and they are originally oat/linen color.

Dark Knight Question?...?

I suppose the best answer to this question would be "It's just a movie" and that i should suspend my disbelief. but i was just wondering. Near the beginning of The Dark Knight there's a scene in a courtroom where that mob guy pulls a gun on Harvey Dent. My question is, how would he have gotten a gun into a courtroom, you'd think the metal detectors and security guards would have caught him?

Who do you think the Rebel is?

I think Micah is too young. And while it's not Angela, she's involved. So is Noah Bennet. I think it's someone we haven't met yet with an ability similar to Micah's. It could also maybe be Hana Gitelman.

Best Snowboard Companies?

Lib tech is a great board and if you buy online it will be right in your price range. Ride and Burton also have great boards. Personally I get a little bigger of a board. Also don't buy a bargain boot buy a good boot since you probably won't be growing. I am not sure on size for a board I would go on google and get a sizing chart. Good luck.

Looking for information on a certain guitar...?

It's an Epiphone signature series Chet Atkins model. Not sure how old it is. Looks acoustic but plays electric, with solid body, wide neck and nylon strings. First to find me this info gets 10pts. automatically.

What is a some good freeware for creating games in C++?

I want to write my own simple game, to get familiar with game development. I already know how to code, im just looking for some free software to start off with.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Omg...horrible and possibly envious friend situation!!!!!?

ok. me and my friend D were walkin in da hallway and theres this security that likes me and hes always standin by my clrooms and today, we were walkin and we saw him at the end of the hallway leaning back with one foot back on the wall lookin at me. and so D took her fake teeth out and put it on and waved to him, smiling with the ugly teeth and he said, "Nice teeth" and we started laughing, then he started staring at me so hard like he wanted to have with me or something and he said something under his breath, but D heard him and didnt tell me wat he said. all she said to me was, "you did SOMETHING to him!" like in a good way, and started laughing and saying how im so goddamn y and stuff. and when she got on the bus and left me, she looked like she was jealous. i wanna know if he said something bad bout me or something good. cuz it seems now that im avoiding him but im not (cuz my friend M always wants to go the other way to the staircase to avoid D.)

Creationists: Please provide whatever evidence and/or arguments you have against evolution. Thanks!?

Their is no evidence against evolution, but there is no real evidence for evolution either. Of course it is the same with Creationisms, it's all about where you put your faith in.

Help Please!!!?

Everyone knows that a farm is a place where food is grown. We have all seen pictures of fields of grain and of cows grazing in a pasture. But have you ever heard of a farm on the bottom of the ocean? There are such farms. These farms raise oysters, a popular food in the United States. An oyster is a small sea animal that lives in a shell. Its meat is delicious. Many years ago there were a great many oysters. Then factories began emptying waste materials into the ocean and many oysters died. People also started eating more oysters. The government studied the problem and put controls on factories. It also helped people begin "oyster farms," where millions of oysters are now grown every year. 1. The best title is A. Good-bye, Oysters B. Fields of Grain C. Oyster Farms D. Animal in a shell 2. Oyster farms are found in the A. fields B. ocean C. factories D. country 3. Oyster farms were helped by the A. government B. factories C. fish D. waste materials 4. You can tell that most farms are A. in factories B. in other countries C. on the land D. on the ocean floor

What is the chinese food egg foo young?

It is very well described as a Chinese omelet. The very best are homemade. I had a Chinese girl friend once.

Can you help me understand this reading?

Serve others out of a heart overflow of love, NOT from the motivation to get a reward. The logic and reward system of the Kingdom runs the complete opposite spectrum of this temporary age. Email me if you have more Q's. I will be more than happy to share what He has shown me over the course of My life.

LG VU???????????????????

When your texting someone on the LG VU do the messages come up like IMs on aim or like the iPone in quote bubbles? or just regular, i no the Xenon comes up in quote bubbles but what about the VU

Thinking of converting my honda manual?

Need Advice, anyone that done that how much it would cost, I'm thinking of having the dealership technicians help out. HELP me out!

Opinion on this poem?

It's got an excellent flow and rhyme. In that aspect I love it. But I'm not quite sure what it means.

The misery of dying is a culture?

Hmmmm... this one is going to take a lotof thought. Let me finish my French Onion soup and I'll get back to you.

Ignoring my friends tex message?

Is it wrong to ignore a text from someone that is married over protective of you and is trying to tell you who to be friends with it. Should i feel bad that he is apologizing and I'm not responding?

TTC ladies! How is everyone doing?

After ttc for 15 years, I am feeling hopeful. We begin our IVF cycle this Saturday, and are feeling excited about it. This is our 2nd IVF attempt, and we are using an egg donor. Don't know why exactly, but I am feeling much more optimistic this time than ever before in our 15 year infertility journey. :)

Vampires... if any one is interested?

they would probably disguise themselves well. since they have not been discovered yet, we can ume we know nothing about them because their disguises are so good. and if they exist, they are probably blessing the current surplus of vampire books/tv series because it disguises them even better.

Does Anyone know where i can get English books in Prague?

There's a bookstore on Wenceslaus Square that has a good selection of books in English. If you're walking toward the National Museum from the bottom of the square, it's on the right hand side closer to the bottom end of the square - there were four or five stories of books and the foreign language books were on the top floor. I don't remember the name of the store though.

My 'friend' is a, well, to be put quite frankly, she's a wh*re.?

She's a total wannabe. It's sad because she has a mom and a stepfather who can really care less about her. She clings onto my family, can't take a hint, you know, either. So basically she has a very low self-esteem. But isn't it odd how some people with low self-esteems are act totally wild and search for love recklessly, losing all respect for themselves on the way? Because she can't find love at her home. I feel bad, but we're only thirteen (she's TWELVE even :P) and none of my other friends and I want to be dragged into THAT 'messed up girl group', aka, The Sl*ts (God forbid!). I mean, lately she's been SO pushy in trying to hang out with them. And that's fine with me, whatever. Honestly, I can see her go and simply be grateful her train wreck didn't blow up on us. But don't go by me; I'm not exactly a people-person. But what's even WORSE is that now she's desperately trying to get a GUY to love her because, once again, she lacks in the loving family department. She flirts with ALL these boys at our school, and it truly annoys me. My grade is just starting to make that awkward transition where the boys and girls can have a nice convo together, instead of the old, "Eww! Gross! Get away from me!", which is nice, and bad. But yet, my friend takes it to a whole other level. She puts on the biggest, fakest smile, you've EVER seen and puts on this whole, wobbly walk and says the same routine, "HII!" to random boys. And puts this whole dumb-girl act on. She's flirting with some of my guy-friend/acquaintances, and that's what pisses me off the most. It aggravates me how she thinks she's all-that. I just want her to realize that she's growing up unnecessarily fast, at a young age and into the poster child of a 'Carmen' type girl (from George Lopez :) Only, you can tell my friends gonna be much worse than Carmen). Gosh, I guess I just had to vent, but if you have any advice on what to do next? I mean, they say keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

How expensive & hard is it to contest a will?

My mother was married to my dad for 35 years (all of his working career) had 2 children together (now adults) and is still married to him, but left him 15 years ago. He was verbally and physically abusive and had affairs, one of the women moved in after we left and remained with him for his last 15 years, he died of cancer. In this time he changed his will to leave everything to this woman- and she wants it all - we are not financially in a position to contend the will if it is going to cost thousands but feel why should she get everything (we are not after it all by any means) can anyone let us know if we are able to do anything. Thank you in anticipation.

Is Kim Kardian a dumb (bleep)?

Ok, so I think the girl is beautiful. But do you think that she is only became famous because she leaked a tape? I know that her dad and step dad are known. But before the tape she was Z list and a stylist for REAL famous people. Do you think that her tape boosted her career? and do you think SHE leaked it? I do. and why do u think her and reggie REALLY broke up.

What is the relationship between Langston Hughes's work and biography. ?

Langston Hughes's poetry is influenced by his own life experiences and the culture and environments he was raised in and lived in throughout his life time. His life and experiences are all reflected throughout his work. For instance His poem Mother to Son is directly related to his childhood and his relationship with his mother. Langston resided for most of his early childhood with his maternal grandmother untl she ped and then he lived with his mother again. ***** Speaks of Rivers was written by Langston Hughes while he was traveling to visit his father. There are tons of great websites that have awesome info for a project like yours. If you put Langston Hughes into a google search you will find them.

Wat song goes "its love its starving me...?

it goes lke "its love its starving me.............cuz of ur love for me is .........." i only noe these lines but i really wanna noe wat song n maybe some of d lyrics r messed up so plz help!!

Roman feast of lupercal?

its a roman festival in the play julius caesar. i need to know what it is and why its important in the play julius caeser.

Should I Make This Trade?

Why would you need Thomas Jones if you already have two good running backs in Steven Jackson and Frank Gore? Bradshaw ain't a bad running back either.

As a bit of a political poll?

i am affiliated with no party, due to the fact that i do not agree with the two major political parties or the independents.

In U.S. history, what does imperial presidency mean?

It has been said that the "imperial presidency" began with FDR and ended with Nixon. What is meant by the term and why do historians believe this occured?

How does this sound: The All-American Gold Standards: Shelton Benjamin & Jack Swagger: Swagger or Benjamin?

That would be a very interesting tag team. I think if they were together they would and could dominate the brand. They are two of the best young stars.

Dont know the name of this movie?

its a movie on tbs right now with bruce willis and samuel l. jackson, they are stopping this german guy from stealing gold from fort nox

How can I gain 15-20kgs in 2 months?

Lots and lots of protein and strength exercises. A lot of weight and few reps. Protein shakes, protein bars, and egg whites. Just to say a few.

Do you think we should have went into Iraq in 1991 instead of 2003 but we didn't?

What do you think about it? Would Iraq in 1991 would result an insurgency just like in 2003 or no? How did an Insurgency get into Iraq in 2003? What build it up? I heard that we didn't went into Iraq in 1991 due to the fact the UN mandate only allowed the liberation of Kuwait.

How to play bellas lullaby?

on virtual piano _ _ does anybody know how to play Bella's lullaby from twilight?

Ideas for baked goods? Christmas Theme of course. ?

Hi! I entered a Christmas Fair, where I'll be selling hand made ornaments and other things like that, I also wanted to try and bake some things to sell as well. What are some quick and easy recipes for cookies, bars, cakes, anything baked, that I can make to sell. They need to be easy because I have a hand mixer so if i make a dough, it'll need to be made with this and my good oll hands!

Economic growth in bangladesh 2009-10+graph?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Mickie James - Is she the iest woman in the world ?

What do you think -I say Mickie is the iest woman in the world ! She is Beautiful and her body is incredible .

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I need a change of guitar tone but not driven !?

im in a band and i sing and strum in a clean tone a les paul standard through a hughes and kettner statesman dual amp but im bored with the tone, i want something diffrent but not a driven tone .... just some thing diffrent .... any ideas ????

How do i handle this behaviour in my local community?

There is one thing you need to know: People are NOT interested in you! They are NOT looking at you! They do not give a rat's **** what you do, who you are and where you come from!!!!

What could have gone wrong in my house that would make me have to move out for a month?

Say you have a mold problem and some drywall has to be removed to get rid of the hazardous mold problem.

Is pie a pastry or is it something else?

So, if the definition of a pastry is Dough or paste consisting primarily of flour, water, and shortening that is baked and often used as a crust for foods such as pies and tarts. Does that make pie a pastry?

Is it safe to burn silver birch in our fireplace?

I know that some woods release toxins when burnt but we have five trees we would like to take down and wonder if we can burn it for our winter heat. Thank you in advance :)

Question about derivatives with regards to microeconomics.?

If utility function is expressed as U(x,y) = x^0.5 y^0.5 What is the marginal utility at point (64,25) and (49,36)? Treat Y as a constant. Would the answer be MUx(x,y) = y. MUx(64,25) = 5 ? and MUx(49,36) = 6?

Debate: i say gays should be allowed to adopt children?

a href=";_ylt=AsvBvGqnS.9HtbDCNof0l5vty6IX;_ylv=3?show=DDE88Jk7aa&link=question&more=y";_yl…/a

Question about sterlizing bottles??

I still have about 8 weeks till my baby is here but I was wondering when is the soonest I can sterilize all his bottles and . Also to pacifiers need to be sterlized before first use? I am a first time mom and all of this is new to me.

Help with my Java Moss please?

So, I've got my "little" tank, I'm not new to this, or I didn't think I was. I have always used silk plants until now, and I decided it'd be nice to have some real plants, so i did some digging and found Java Moss was "extremely easy" to grow. So I bought a small ball and wedged it between my rock and ornament. Then I waited. To my dismay instead of it growing rapidly, it died. What did i do wrong?

Why is that you can try to protect yourself from bad things in life and still end up getting the things you...

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. I'm a nurse. We had a child with cancer on our floor. I was making rounds with the surgeon when he saws, "How can you believe there is a merciful God, when you see something like this." I didn't have an answer for him then and I still don't.

Painfull knee?

about 5 years ago i twisten my knee and had pain on and off for about 4 years. it then went but in the last week,in the same knee i have been feeling a different kind of pain.when im walking it every step or so it (its hard to discribe!) ...sorta clicks but not a click that you can hear but the sort you can feel if u know what i meen. its also become swollen and very stiff to getting pain more on the right side of the knee but also the back.not pain like i cant walk or anything but a uncomfatable pain .i can wlk up and down stairs ok . if i try and cross my legs it stiffens up and cant cross it properly. and alot more painfull if i havent moved it for a bit.what do you think this could be?

What kind of fish has a long flat mouth?

i caught a fresh water fish that i never saw before. it had a long flat snout and wasnt a gar or alligator gar,what do u think it was?

More anatomy digestive system help pleeeeee?

Swallowing, or ___(1)__ occurs in two major phases-the __(2)__ and __(3)__. During the voluntary phase, the ___(4)__ is used to push the food into the throat, and the ___(5)___ rises to close off the nasal pageways. As food is moved involuntarily through the pharynx, the __(6)___ rises to ensure that its pageway is covered by the __(7)__ so that ingested substances do not enter respiratory pages. It is possible to swallow water while standing on your head because the water is carried along the esophagus involuntarily by the process of __(8)__. The pressure exerted by food on the ___(9)___ valve causes it to open so that food can enter the stomach. The two major types of movements tha occur in the small intestine are __(10)__ and ___(11)__. One of these movements, the ___(12)___, acts to continually mix the food with digestive juices, and (strangely) also plays a major role in propelling foods along th tract. Still another type of movement seen only in the large intestine , __(13)__ occurs infrequently and acts to move feces over relatively long distances toward the . Presence of feces in the __(14)__excites stretch receptors so that the ___(15)___ reflex is intiated. Irritation of the gastrointestiter in the medulla, causing __(17)___, which is essentially a reverse peristalsis

Improving sat scores? please help! 10 POINTS!!!?

you could get help from teachers after school.....also, you could get books and study yourself.....the key is to study study study study....the more you know the info...the better your chance is to get good scores.....the more practicing the better....i think you can get free sat practice pamphlets can online for acts.....but once again.....practice/studying is key....

Goldfish woes?

I just won two goldfish at the fair. So I let them live in the bowl for a couple days then I bought them a 3 gallon aquarium. I was looking up goldfish on the web and saw that they need 10 gallons each and bowls=death. My apartments only allow up to a five gallon. What should I do with the fish? I don't want to hurt them by keeping them in a space that will kill them. Is there any way to like release them into the wild? Suggestions??

Can I feed my grandchild?

If this is a serious question (which to me is virtually inconceivable), you are in a big bind. The staggering inappropriateness of this question indicates that even if you're able to keep your mouth shut about this, eventually you are going to do something to drive a wedge between your son and daughter-in-law. There will probably be an epic-scale ugly divorce, and your daughter-in-law will file court doents to keep you away from her child. You getting artificially inseminated and having your own kid at your age would be less psychotic than what you're suggesting. WHOA!

Why do I feel so strongly about marrying a virgin?

You may have the biggest human male "" in the world but you are very insecure about your ability as a lover. You are afraid of being compared to a woman's previous lovers. You can think whatever you wish about men and women but your question reveals your immaturity and insecurity.

What are some sighns of pregnacy?

pleae i need to know i have been felling really sick and i know my boy friend did in me a week ago and just today on acident like i cant eat and when i smell food i fell sick in my stomach

Guys and girls answer please???!!!!!?

In my school when i was walking down the stairs this guy( lets call him skittles) well, skittles he was also walking down the stairs and he smiled, and smiled and started shouting and talking about himself really really loud then he came closer and closer to me and popped my personal bubble.

I am thinking on doing the atkins diet what do i need to know?

I am looking in to start the Atkins diet? What do i need to know about it that the book does not tell u?

What makes humans "not just animals"?

Our category of animalism was created to have dominion over all others!! aren't you happy or do you prefer it the other way around??

Disepensation is not in the Bible. Yet it is commonly mentioned, why is this so?

Dispensation by definition simply means period of time.Its the same with rapture.People use it due to its definition.But I totally agree w/ what you are saying.

Insight american lit help pls?

You need to learn to write a good question. You have not stated the subject. Are you referring to "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" by Nathaniel Hawthorne?

Please Help me, Does He Love me?

Hi, my name is Steven i'm 23 years old and i'm gay. I recently met this guy who I really like a lot and end up loving with all my heart....the problem is I think i'm the only one in love. He has been with his partner for about 8 years, however they have a long distance relationship for about 4 years now. They see each other about every 3 months and talk every now and then. He knows how much I love him, however I think he just sees me as a friend. But there are some things he does that frankly got me confused...for example, there have been two occasions when we have been hugging each other very tenderly, just like a couple would do...he usually says it's because I'm a very good friend he loves a lot, but still just a friend. He has barely done something that I can recall as an effort to be with me as I think I am the one who makes the biggest effort for being together. He said once he was very gratefull for meeting me, still he still sees me as a friend. I have thought about getting away from him as it is too painfull for me to watch him talking about his or with his partner, or being close to him without knowing whether he will ever love me or not...and I am not sure if I should invest my feelings and be tied up to someone I don't really know if he would ever love me beyond friendship. I have thought of leaving him and reduce my interactions with him, but I don't really wanna do it. I don't want to wait for him eternally, specially if i don't know if he would ever move forward... SO I was wondering if you have been through something like this before or what you think about it... BTW, thanks for reading this :-)

Research Paper on Elizabeth Barrett Browning?

I'm writing a paper about Elizabeth's life and work. I've got her biographical information but I need a "Discussion of the Writer's Major Themes and Influences" and "Synthesis of the Writer's life as an influence on theme" and a literary selection as representative of theme". Any help and links to information would help me out a lot. Thanks!

Do you think we should all move to Narnia?

I'm ready right now. I always check the backs of wardrobes and stare at pictures of ships as long as I can. I'm also prepared for rabbit holes and police boxes that are bigger on the inside than the outside.

Why Do Men Get Reluctant To Marry?

U'll see a man going out with a lady for years and years but hesistate to marry her. A paradox is that he'll really show all her love to her and be there for her but for him to actually marry her would be a very difficult thing to do. WHY WHY WHY man?

Will Tom Kunzen reappear on Jeopardy?

I can't answer your question, but I was wondering the same thing. He was my favorite contestant in all the years of watching the show. Hope they bring him back.

What do you think i should do about pink hell or heaven?...?

my friend introduced me to one of her old time friends who had just moved back to (not available) and we were all hanging out and stuff then we decided to get some homework done. i agreed to go to the girl's house but when i entered her room it pink, everywhere. it was driving me nuts it's not that i hate pink or anything but who in the world would decorate thier entire room in pink? i mean at first i thought it wa strange for the girl to be wearing all pink when i first meet her but i didn't mind so much until i saw her room. she is an okay girl and everything but her room just drives me nuts. so i was just wondering how in the world am i going to put up with this every afternoon since the girl's parents won't let her go any and everywhere and she can't go to other people's house ( i don't know why but she just can't). anyway, i was wondering how to tell the girl that her room is a little way to pink for me, i mean she is extremely sensitive and if you tell her you don't like something she starts crying or starts complaining or whinning about how you don't like her and bunch of other stuff. and i can't just tell her that her room is way to pink, i don't wnat to go through another moment of cries, complains and whines. i tried explaning to my friend that her friend's room drives me insane.the girl doesn't want to work in the living room because she feels more comfortable in her room doing her homework. so what should i do? ( besides telling her, making excuses why i can;t go over and ignoring the pink room.)

How to get down weight?

hai suresh do u know that two eggs can give the energy for a whole day work so take food with less fat example greens and more vegetables inspite going to gym try to burn calories through games like playing volley ball shuttle and if you not realy intrested in games go for long run today i had studied that ground exersice fits more and give you dobles the stamina you got it in gym

Where/when can Scutum be seen?

Scutum is far from th most exciting constellation in the sky being, as it is, small with no bright stars. It does however contain two Messier objects: M11 & M26.

What do you think of brad pitt and angelina jolie as parents?

Poeple always say that they use there six kids for publicity but we actually hardly ever see them. we have only seen the twins once since they were born and that was only because in Japan they make you walk through that part of the airport. Unlike gwen stefanis six month old son Zuma who we have seen several times. Does anyone else agree with me.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Will Avery Johnson be the Mavericks head coach next year?

Johnson is gone! Cuban and Johnson don't get along, Cuban never wanted him as coach...Nellie pretty much appointed his @ss as coach and he has failed miserably the last 2 years in the playoffs....

What is the reason of having the northern the southern the western and the eastern hemisphere in our world? ?

does the war of any country uses it for any rwason please answer it the fast as you can so i can figure it out thanks!

Will moving out of state effect my son's marine corps DEP?

My son - 17 year old HS senior - is in the Marine Corps DEP with a basic training date of summer 2011. Unfortunately, we may need to move from the west coast to the east coast for my job this winter 2010. I do not want to mess up his enlistment or slotted MOS. Does anyone know if a move would effect his contract.

Whats the name Of this song?

It had like a float oj tune and had the lyrics i think "i was ready to show the world alright.."

Which QB do I start in Week 6?

Mark Sanchez because he has a higher per rating and Denver does not have too many threats on defense to help stop Sanchez. Mark Sanchez also has 8 TDs and 0 INT compared to Freeman's 5 TDs and 3 INTs.

I'm confused over late period pos/neg result, subsequent lengthy duration of bleeding-help?

period usually first wk of month, seemed regular. last period 6th oct. had apparent symptoms of pregnancy, late period. also had andominal cramps and fatigue. took home urine test, fint positive 9th nov. thought pregnant. however, on 1st nov was woke with sever abdominal pain for 20/30 mins. on 16th nov saw slight brownish spotting, only on toilet paper. wen to dr the next day, sent to gynae to investigate bleeding (umed pregnant) however had intenal ultra sound, showed empty womb the dr said 'i'm sorry you're not pregnant' the had blood test to confirm hormone levels - result very low. onthe 19th i bled red blood, i started to get cramps, in quite a bit of discomfort, there was what looked like pieces of pink tissue in the blood and clots, the bleeding was heavy and longer than usual 3-5 day period. the apparance of the blood has varied sometmes red, sometimes brown, and vrying flow. i've bled for weeks now though no more pain for the last 2or so wks. enerally brown lood since then, a times looks like it will gobt reappears, not enough for a pad. still happening now 19/12/08? jst n toilet paper mostl or afer but sometimes a little more or less. what's happening?

If islam is indeed a peaceful religion!!!?

The problem dear Hindu Warrior is that there were too few Hindu Warriors to stop them. Also Christians today have become too weak and so are allowing this nonsense to continue without taking a tough stance. Whatever atheists may say, we need the conservative Christians to at least counter the Muslims since Buddhists, atheists and with all due respects Hindus cannot. Today the Chinese Buddhists and the Jewish Israelis are the only people who know how to deal with this menace and some right wing Christians. Atheists and moderates and Hindus are too civilized and peace-loving to realize when you are being attacked by a rabid dog, its not the time to put your hands around him as you would your own puppy and start cuddling.

1065 question- LLC advertising expenses, where to state?

When filling out the 1065 for the LLC where do I put typical expenses, like advertising, printing, etc... Please explain Thanks

Need help choosing between 2 women!!!! Seriously!!!?

Was engaged to a girl who was 25 four years ago. She cheated on me with a co-worker and we broke up. She came back begging to take her back two months later. Typical stuff, "Was stupid, didn't know what I had, etc". We got back together and it's been fine since but I never completely got over the betrayal. Now two years later I've met a girl that I have grown attracted to, we have the same likes, and I'M the one having an affair but don't know if I want to let go of the attachment I've grown to have with my girlfriend to go with this new girl I've been seeing for 7 months. I'm 37 and they are both 31 so I don't think it's a stupid age thing. I feel like I don't have the baggage with the new girl (or chip on shoulder) but I do have an attachment with the girl I've stuck with over the years. Any insights folks?